Over the past two months, God has displayed His always supportive hand in our lives. Romanian village churches have found their way into our hearts as we have experienced wonderful hospitality.
Those of you that know Steve well know that he considers his skill in public speaking a weaker point. However, God uses our weakness for His greater glory.
About a month and a half ago, we were invited to go with Dwight Poggemiller, our regional director, to a village south of Timisoara. We felt welcomed by the church members and the pastor. Steve gave an initial message prior to the main sermon Dwight presented. Many of the attendees were exposed to the Gospel.
On Palm Sunday, we went to a village with our Sibiu colleges and received a warm greeting from this church and noticed all the great things the Lord is doing. With each visit we are looking for ways in which we can help with our ministry gifts. Steve again gave a short greeting while Kristi sang a solo. Even though Kristi loves music she doesn’t consider herself a soloist.
This Easter was no different. We went with Dawn Elenbass to visit two other colleagues, Susan and Richard, in Oradea in northwest Romania. On the way up, we stopped at a nearby village were we visited a family, and measured a young child for a wheelchair. Fellowship over the weekend was great, and on Sunday, we went to our colleague’s village church. There Steve had the privilege of giving the Resurrection Morning message, while Kristi was able to participate by singing a solo and accompany Susan’s solo on keyboard.
We know more and more just how God has been preparing us throughout our lives for just a time as this. Steve’s seminary studies are definitely used and Kristi has found that growing up on a farm in Minnesota has prepared her to be a housewife in this culture by cooking from scratch, hanging clothes on the line, and growing a garden.
It is wonderful to see God’s had at work in the life of those we meet. Resurrection Sunday is an evident reminder of the Promise we have in Christ to be with those who love Him until the end.
Şi iată că Eu sunt cu voi în toate zilele, până la sfârşitul veacului. Amin
Those of you that know Steve well know that he considers his skill in public speaking a weaker point. However, God uses our weakness for His greater glory.
About a month and a half ago, we were invited to go with Dwight Poggemiller, our regional director, to a village south of Timisoara. We felt welcomed by the church members and the pastor. Steve gave an initial message prior to the main sermon Dwight presented. Many of the attendees were exposed to the Gospel.
On Palm Sunday, we went to a village with our Sibiu colleges and received a warm greeting from this church and noticed all the great things the Lord is doing. With each visit we are looking for ways in which we can help with our ministry gifts. Steve again gave a short greeting while Kristi sang a solo. Even though Kristi loves music she doesn’t consider herself a soloist.
This Easter was no different. We went with Dawn Elenbass to visit two other colleagues, Susan and Richard, in Oradea in northwest Romania. On the way up, we stopped at a nearby village were we visited a family, and measured a young child for a wheelchair. Fellowship over the weekend was great, and on Sunday, we went to our colleague’s village church. There Steve had the privilege of giving the Resurrection Morning message, while Kristi was able to participate by singing a solo and accompany Susan’s solo on keyboard.
We know more and more just how God has been preparing us throughout our lives for just a time as this. Steve’s seminary studies are definitely used and Kristi has found that growing up on a farm in Minnesota has prepared her to be a housewife in this culture by cooking from scratch, hanging clothes on the line, and growing a garden.
It is wonderful to see God’s had at work in the life of those we meet. Resurrection Sunday is an evident reminder of the Promise we have in Christ to be with those who love Him until the end.
Şi iată că Eu sunt cu voi în toate zilele, până la sfârşitul veacului. Amin
Matei 28: 20a
I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matt. 28:20a