Friday, September 26, 2008

So Let's Get to Work!

There are many reasons for ministering both alongside and to people with special needs and disabilities. All the arguments could fill volumes in anyone's library. However, two verses have been banging around in my head for the last six months. They come from the pen of the writer of Hebrews.

Hebrews 10:24-25 "...and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near."

We often see the verses in a different light than having relevance with special circumstances, needs, or disabilities. However, I feel convinced that it is extremely relevant to the life issues of all people who have special circumstances. Where are the vast majority of the people with special needs on Sunday morning and evening? Are they at church or in bible studies? No. They are home or elsewhere, cut off from the church body. Who is stimulating them to love and good deeds? Who can they encourage? How are they growing in love and in worship? I think the key is to help and encourage churches learn how to open their doors and incorporate those who have special circumstances, special needs, or disabilities.

Can anyone do this? Why not? God uses anyone with a mission, a heart, goals, and is obedient. So let's get to work!

Stephen Carnazzo

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Roller Coaster Ride of Adoption

Life is in constant change and motion.  We are in the midst of packing our belongings and moving to a different apartment.  This next one will be in a house.  Yeah!  It will have more room for a baby.

Also we are trying to get ready to fly to the states for adopting a baby in December.  BUT, halt on this one.  The birthmom who had chosen us to adopt her baby changed her mind and is now going to parent her baby.  It is a disappointment, but not a death or a miscarriage.  We will continue to pray for this young mother and this baby boy.  We still have a hope for a baby and our application and information is being shared with other expecting mothers thinking of adoption plans. 

The other positives is that she changed her mind in advance before we purchased plane tickets or flew to the states.  Those who follow our blog and are praying for our adoption we wanted you to know.  We appreciate your prayers.  Thank You!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Taking A Break

After a wonderful and blessed summer we found ourselves exhausted. In knowing we needed a vacation we discussed the many possible locations in driving distance from us. We chose Vienna, Austria which was only an 8 hour drive away.

It was a time of more relaxation than sightseeing. We were fortunate to be able to stay in the home of fellow GEM missionaries who live in a smaller community just outside of Wien (Vienna). While we enjoyed visiting this family we also had quiet time to read and take leisure walks through the town exploring and tasting the foods of Austria.

Two of the days we traveling by train and subway into the city and explored. It is a beautiful city and rich in history. Kristi loved seeing the locations where many famous composer preformed and lived. We even took in a orchestra concert at Musikverein (The Golden Hall) where every year they perform on New Years Day and it is aired worldwide. The music of this concert was of Strauss and Mozart. The website for the hall is at