Last week in Craiova, Romania, Joni & Friends – Wheels for the World had a team to distribute wheelchairs to those who needed them. Everyday around 20 individuals were given a chair that was fitted to their specific needs, sizes and shapes.
What a blessing to get a glance into the lives of those who came. Many times they were individuals with years of hurt and suffering behind them. Each person dealt with their own disability; amputation of legs, stroke, MS, CP as well as other types of disabilities.
God showed Himself as a true provider for those in need.
One lovely woman named Gina (pictured above) had been injured in the earthquake of 1979, and arrived with her teenage son who helped her move. She received a special chair for those with paralysis.
Anka, Cornelia, Alin, Ana Maria, Alex where there along with other children throughout the week. These children sat for the first time in their wheelchairs eyes twinkling and smiling with a smile that warms the heart.
This picture to the right is of Bianca with her twin sister and the therapists who helped fit her wheelchair. She stated, “This is the kind of wheelchair I have always wanted.” The therapists and mechanics (Steve & Alex) adjusted and also prepared a table to fit on her chair. The team was blessed to hear later in the week from her mother saying that Bianca was doing things she was never able to do before, such as hold crayons and color in a position comfortable to do so.
Adrian who had had one leg already amputated registered for a wheelchair two weeks prior to the distribution; however, in the intervening two weeks, his condition worsened, and he was faced with the amputation of his other leg. With clearance from his doctor, he was transported from the hospital to be fit with a wheelchair.
The man pictured below was a veteran in WWII , was not able to move around because of his illness. Now he sits crying with joy as he receives his new wheelchair and renewed independence.
The last patient fitted with a wheelchair had a doctorate in chemical engineering that traveled the world during the Communist years. He could have even moved to the United States in the 1960’s, but he chose to remain with his homeland despite the hardships.
God showed himself to be the best physician for those who came.