Worship at ConferenceEvery year the missionaries with Greater Europe Mission gather for an annual conference. Last week we participated in this year’s conference in Sopron, Hungary.
Steve and I were refreshed and encouraged by other Missionaries throughout Europe. The guest speaker was Kalevi Lehtinen who was born in Finland. He has worked with Campus Crusade for Christ, and has headed up evangelistic outreaches in several European countries.
This conference held two celebrations. The first occurred on Monday evening. It was for our current president, Ted Noble and his wife Lynn. This was a wonderful banquet celebrating not only his leadership, but also gave recognition to past leaders. Ted announced at last year’s conference that he felt the Lord leading him on toward something new. He asked for prayer in the search for the following president.
The second celebration was on Tuesday evening with the Installation Service for Henry Deneen, who will begin leadership on September 1st. It was a graceful change of leadership with a sense of peace, unity, and joy among all who attended.
The highlight of the week for Steve was when the Romanian team (that’s us) sang a Romanian hymn. There were eleven of us singing in four part harmony. This was a first for Steve, not only singing in harmony, following a line of music, BUT also singing in front of an audience of approximately 300 people.
Check out some of the
pictures we took. A few pictures where from an afternoon outing to a Palace.