Friday, May 23, 2008


I have been reading and hearing about the prices of gas in the United States.  I knew that we have been paying over $5 per gallon over the past two years here.  However, I had never actually taken a receipt and converted the price to dollars, and litters to gallons until today.  Wow!  The last time we filled was May 17th and we paid $7.16 per gallon.
It doesn't seem to be slowing people down from driving.  We have noticed even in the past two years here that there are more and more cars on the streets and in parking lots.  This is making parking difficult.  It is also the reason one sees cars parked on sidewalks and blocking roadways and other cars in constantly.
After grocery shopping at Walmart in November, we were shocked at how much we got for the price; however, we purchased mostly canned and boxed foods that are not found in Romania. I imagine that prices on the staples are comparable. 
These are just a few of the prices listed in an advertisement flyer.   How do they compare?
$670   26" LCD HD Television
$3 Whole Chicken - per 1 Kilogram = 2.2 pounds
$5.43 Pork Roast - 1 Kilogram
$1 Flour - 1 Kilogram
$1.20 Sugar - 1 Kilogram
$1.3 Milk 1 Litter ($4.93 1 gallon)
$1.60 Eggs 10 (they don't sell in dozens here)
$3 head of cauliflower
$1.25 head of green lettuce.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Babies! Babies!

Emma and Baby Filip
Yesterday, I went to visit a former language instructor named Emma. She and her husband had a beautiful baby boy last January. It was the first time I saw their son, Filip Alexandru. He is a good little boy and SO adorable. It was nice to catch up with Emma, and also see what wonderful parents they are.

Last week, Steve and I visited another young family from our church who have a one year old son, Andrei. He has blond hair and clear blue eyes, and was a happy, ACTIVE little guy. We know a few other church members who have recently had children with one other couple currently expecting. It is a good place to be, when we as a couple are expecting without the pregnancy.

In our last newsletter, we announced our plans of adoption, but this is the first blog about it. We are in the waiting stage. We have completed all the steps of our home study, and are just waiting for the finalized social workers written report Then our lawyers, who are located in Indiana, will be showing our letter to expecting moms for them to make their decision of choosing us as the couple
they would like to raise their baby.

I don't have morning sickness, the cravings, and all the other pregnancy symptoms, but I think about this little one growing and wonder at what stage God has him or her. We are not just waiting on paperwork, but God's timing. Our future child could already be 5 plus months along in the pregnancy, or not yet conceived. So, in the mean time we wait while going forward with the daily blessing of opportunities God has given us to do in work where we are.
(If you are an expecting mom surfing the web and considering placing your baby in an adoption plan, and would like to read our birthmom letter. Please contact our lawyers, who are in the state of Indiana. You can see their website and get their phone number by clicking here.)