Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Adoption Update

While we were preparing for the team from Highlands our lawyers office called our Romanian cell phone.  The phone call was to inform us that a birthmom was interested in talking to us. Within the next half hour we were on the phone talking to her for almost 2 hours.

The following day we heard again from the lawyers that she has chosen us as adoptive parents for her baby.  She is due to deliver a baby boy in early December.  We are in the middle of summer ministry and will be updating you more to our travel plans when the due date comes closer.

Thanks for your prayers and please continue to pray for the baby and birthmom.

Successful Week

The ramp above was excellently constructed and a great example to the church body and also the whole community.

Highlands Church sent true servants to serve Betel church in Timisoara.  It was great to see their attitude of humility and partnership.  They came with a dual purpose to advance disability ministry in Timisoara, and to develop a true partnership with Betel.  It was great to see how the relationships developed between the churches.  God was truly with us.

Last week was FULL!  Full of things to do, people to meet, training - BUT most of all it was full of loving one another.  God worked out details of schedules and chance meeting of those He wanted to introduce to each other.  

He also allowed time to do a little sight seeing.  We traveled all of Thursday to see Hunedoara Castle, the fortress at Deva, and the Roman ruins at Sarmizegetusa.

The end of the day was at the home of Pastor Alex's parents in a village near Caransebes.  Here is a picture of Pastor Alex and his wife Nuti.  They are also the parents of Tania and Elias pictured in past posts in our blog.

Their hospitality they shared with us and the team this past week was a huge blessing.  Thanks Alex & Nuti.  

Thanks also to the whole team from Highlands - Matt, Mike, Joy, Doug, Missy, Katonna & Kelsey.  We appreciate all the work you did and your hearts you opened up to share to so many others.  We look forward to seeing you when we travel back to the states.  

Monday, July 21, 2008

Get the Current Update

Highlands Church in Scottsdale Arizona currently has a team here in Timisoara.  They have a blog that is being updated daily of their activity.  Check it out by clicking here.

God is working in some amazing ways.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Huge Evangelical Festival in Timisoara

Franklin Graham Festival of Hope was in Timisoara July 4th - 6th. This was during our travel to Suceava, but we heard great things from our friends who attended. There were over 1000 Romanians that participated by singing in a choir. The sun was shining with a little breeze to help cool it a little.

We received this information from Dwight Poggemiller.
Friday Attendance 19,283 # of Decisions 676
Sat. Children's Attendance 7,252 # of Decisions 1,476
Sat. Evening Attendance 22,662 # of Decisions 703
Sun. Evening Attendance 27,787 # of Decisions 1,067
Totals: Attendance 76,984 # of Decisions 3,922

Prior to this Festival on June 24 - 26h we were happy to take part in a wheelchair distribution connected with the Festival of Hope in Timisoara.

140 Wheelchairs were fitted, modified, and then given to those in need before the fesitval. Watch this short video below:
Click Here

Steve Carnazzo

Full Week - BLESSED!

This years Wheelchair Distribution for Joni & Friends in Romania was last week. There were three locations here in Romanian that had an American team and wheelchairs. We participated in the Suceava site, which is a community in the northeastern part of the country. The population is about 120,000 and is built on large rolling green hills. Beautiful countryside.

It was the first year that Joni & Friends Wheels For the World distributed chairs at this site. The church that hosted it was Filadelfia, and we found the Pastor, his family, and the church members some of the best people we have met. Suceava had a midwestern feel to it. The people were warm and friendly.

The week was a busy one as there were 91 chairs distributed and fit to those who came in need of a wheelchair. The church had some ramps and God had already placed a desire in this church family to reach out to those with disabilities.
Emil and his wife Simona were lovely people, and we enjoyed getting to know them throughout the week. We also had a barbecue dinner at Emil's parents home. Yum! There was so much good food.

Emil is a worship leader at Filadelfia, and is in a wheelchair due to a spinal injury. He and his wife Simona were at the church everyday and were great support to those who came for wheelchairs. Gordon, an American, and Emil shared the gospel and prayed with those who came.

Many close friendships were made and Steve and I look forward to the next time we travel to Suceava.

What a great place. - Kristi