Wheels for the World is a ministry which helps distribute needed wheelchairs. This past July in Romania hundreds of wheelchairs along with walkers and canes were distributed. Teams from America comprising of therapists, housewives, wheelchair mechanics, and a therapist from Portugal arrived willing to love the needy and many times the forgotten. Those Romanian’s who came seeking a wheelchair or a walker all had a story to share and burdens that were heavy. Each face coming through the door seemed sad and weary. What a blessing to witness the change in each expression as he or she first sat in a wheelchair that was specifically fit by the therapist(s). After every person received equipment, a Romanian would speak with them about God’s love and desire for a personal relationship with them. A gift of a Romanian New Testament and translated materials from Joni and Friends were also given. The team came to bless but found themselves equally blessed. Pictured above is Simon. He arrived on a motor scooter with his father. Simon has cerebral palsy and with assistance is able to walk. His father had tears in his eyes as he began to explain in broken English and a thick Romanian accent of his son. He said, “You know my son, Simon has a very, very important name. It is in the Bible, the Simon of Cyrene. I give him this name at birth, but God teach me a lesson now about love. (more tears and a pause) You know this man Simon carried Jesus' cross, and I now carry my son Simon everyday.”
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