Every time I see the children, I think how come I do not have a pack of peanuts or crackers with me. The last boy I saw, when we were coming out of the grocery store, I was able to give a bag of breakfast cereal and a box of long life milk. He ran away with a big smile saying “lapte, lapte” which translated means milk in Romanian.
Faith often has more subtle questions. One is having a time table that is in flux. This coming summer, Kristi and I are looking to find a place to rent in Timisoara with a safe storage space for adaptive equipment. Another is ministry planning. Starting in the late spring, we have a definite increase in our ministry schedule, and are humbly looking forward to God’s leading. Recently, I was reminded from an online sermon about God’s ownership of everything. He quoted the psalmist, “For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on all the hills…If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is mine and all it contains” (Psalm 50:10,12). He is not commanding us to serve because He needs our help, but to be a disciple of Him and love others. How true that is and how easy to forget! For the Apostle James instructs us how to be a disciple, “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world” (James 2:27). In return for obeying, we are truly blessed more than we think. Recently, we meet a young teenager with cerebral palsy at a church based disability support group, and I was able to help her and her mother with some basic exercises for her arm. I feel blessed that I have cerebral palsy, because I am able to treat many people with disabilities offering them an example of encouragement while using my therapy training to assist them. God has a plan for us from the womb, through school, and even now. What a loving God!
There is always a reason for living without an explanation, faith demands it, but with a measure of hope and love everything is bearable. God often lets us see peeks of His master plan, but just like a good parent He knows what we can handle, and what will make us more like Him.
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